This was a great read.
What I find hilarious is that there is an assumption that women are dying to be married and have children. The men are doing us a favor by marrying us. We are the "ball and chain" that are keeping them from having an awesome life.
The truth is many women work at least full or part time, do a good majority of the housework and cooking, and are the primary care givers in their family.
I know many married women that are in dire need of a vacation....from their families. I do not mean a stupid Mother's day brunch but a whole week to relax and recover. However, if they suggest such a thing they are selfish.
I know a woman who booked a couple days to go NYC (this was before the pandemic) by herself and all her husband could say is that she was selfish and would get raped.
This is a man who spends all his Sunday out golfing or watching sports with his friends.