This definitely should be true for all relationships but often is not the case.
I work with a lady who has a househusband. She is always praising him (sometimes over the top) and telling us how luck she is to have him.
Some of the guys I work with have housewives. They never praise them. I sometimes hear grumblings about how they "don't know what their wives do all day".
We had a Secret Santa and potluck (before the Pandemic) and all those guys came to work with perfectly wrapped presents and treats. Their wives had done the shopping, wrapped the presents, and made the food.
The lady with the househusband did not have anything. She had been working long hours and did not have the time. She actually wrote a check for her Secret Santa.
Her househusband did not know why he had to do "stupid stuff for her work" when he was already busy .